To give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something. 

Personality .

Some of the key areas of self-awareness that I work with in therapy include our personality traits, personal values, habits, emotions as well as the psychological needs that drive our behaviours along with the presenting themes and issues that clients bring to therapy.

Personal values


 To consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of.


Various themes worked with in therapy.


Behavioural biases are beliefs or behaviours that can consciously or  unconsciously influence our decision-making process.

Traits & Characteristics

The specific characteristics of a person that influence their behaviour and thoughts

Cautiously, step by step, the path is traversed, obstacles overcame, bonds...some created...others severed. The ties that bind can only hold for so long. freedom beckons. There is who you are and there is who they want you to be. you've already been one for so long.....how to discover the other, that's the question. step by step the path is traversed. 

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