I'm Lee and I'm a Person Centred Therapist.
If you feel that therapy might be useful to you to work on a part of your life then you are probably right. I feel that most people could benefit from therapy as life is anything but easy.
You might feel something stronger than that, perhaps you feel that you want some help with an aspect of yourself, a strong need in your life, if so then you are probably right as well.
If you feel like taking a step further, check out my services page to find out more about Person Centred Therapy and what I offer.
Personal and professional experience.
Being Person Centred has allowed to work with a diverse range of issues and theme's including but not limited to depression and anxiety, divorce, grief and guilt. While I could expand on that list I feel it more important to say that my experience has given me a sense of personal and professional development in working with people which is what really matters in therapy.
Whatever has been brought to my therapy room by way of themes and the issues it was brought by people who were suffering in one way or another, this is by far the most important aspect of my work.
How I work, my agenda and the therapeutic relationship.
My agenda as a therapist is to work with you to uncover the root causes of your suffering and help you to find your answers.
While I can make no promises that therapy is right for you or that you will get everything that you want from counselling I can tell you that I will strive to work with you to the best of my abilities so long as I can ethically do so and for as long as you want me to.
"If you want something that you never had, then you have to do something you have never done".
Thomas Jefferson.

What is counselling?.
Counselling is a process where by you and I meet, usually once a week (sometimes more, sometimes less) in order for you to talk about yourself, your life and usually the aspects of your life that you find difficult to deal with or that you feel are causing you distress.
This could be almost anything from a sense of anxiety or depression to the loss of a loved one or the break up of a relationship. This is of course not a complete list of issues that clients sometimes bring to therapy but they certainly are some of the issues that I work with in the therapy room.
During the session which usually lasts one hour I will for the majority of the time concentrate on you and the issues that you bring to therapy though sometimes clients have questions about their therapist which is perfectly natural to have.
As the sessions progress and the weeks pass we will build a greater awareness of your issues and how they affect you . As we continue to explore the issues that you bring your growing sense of self-awareness will offer a sense of clarity and the possibility for you to challenge those aspects of yourself that might not be serving you or your life or accepting those elements that cannot be changed and this is hopefully the key to a greater sense of wellbeing.